What Messages Are You Sending to Your Clients?

In any relationship, there is room for miscommunication and misunderstanding. When it comes to their clients, loan officers want to do their best to ensure they’re sending the right messages and that their clients are hearing them loud and clear. Sure, your words matter, but the messages you’re sending go much deeper than that. Your body language, your tone, your availability, your focus — there are countless ways that we send messages to our clients. So, what are some of the most important things successful loan officers need to ensure come across clearly to their clients?


You’re an expert they can trust. From standing tall and having a strong handshake to calmly reviewing the different loan options available, you want to assure your clients that they’ve chosen the best loan officer out there. You want them to trust in your expertise and feel at ease working with you. Confidence doesn’t mean pushy or egotistical. Professionals need to ensure they know where the line is but don’t back so far off that you come across as unsure of yourself. Trust in your own abilities and know what your strengths are, that way, when you show up for clients, these things can come through.


You’re on their team. Getting a mortgage can be a stressful process for homebuyers, and for most, it’s a major financial decision. As their loan officer, you want your clients to know you’re in their court. You’re looking out for what’s best for them, you’re committed to delivering the best service possible, and you’re willing to work together to arrive at the best possible outcome. It’s not just a business transaction where you’re set to gain something. Clients can certainly sense the difference, and it’s a message that can impact their entire experience.


You appreciate their business. Do you make your clients feel valued? This isn’t just about a thank you at the closing. It’s about conveying that gratitude throughout the entire loan process. When loan officers rush things, are difficult to get a hold of, and seem stressed by their clients’ needs, clients can start to feel like a burden. Assure clients that they’re a priority by letting gratitude guide your actions.

The Wrong Message?

You’re only in it for the money. You’re sick of explaining the same things. You don’t enjoy your work. You don’t understand your clients’ perspectives. The list can go on and on. When we don’t occasionally check in and think about the more subtle messages we’re sending, we risk falling into some of these traps. While rarely intentional, loan officers can sometimes convey a message that makes their clients feel unhappy, unsure, or undervalued. Bringing a bit more attention to this type of communication can help you stay on the right track.

When thinking about the messages you send to your clients, your words are just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much we communicate that goes beyond the black and white of the words we say, and tuning into this more subtle element of communication is key. What are some other messages that are important to convey to your clients? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Kirk Brewer

Branch Manager | Loan Geek | NMLS #150287