Top Entrepreneurial Mindsets that Help Loan Officers Thrive

For mortgage entrepreneurs, the way they think about their work is just as important as the work they actually do when it comes to their success. Though much less tangible, our mindsets directly influence the way we engage with our work every day. Positive mindsets help us to stay motivated, keep learning, and strive for achievement. On the other hand, negative mindsets can limit our potential and keep us stuck in one place. Here are a few mindsets that can help entrepreneurs succeed:

Growth Never Stops

Successful entrepreneurs are always pushing forward, no matter where they are in their careers. While mortgage professionals fresh into the industry may be eager to get to the level of more senior coworkers, it’s just as important that those senior professionals continue striving as well. Mortgage entrepreneurs aren’t satisfied with the status quo. They don’t see success as a fixed point they arrive at one day and then check out. They know that the longevity of their success lies in continual growth. They seek out ways to learn new skills, improve in certain areas, and set challenging goals throughout their careers. This belief in the value of ongoing personal and professional growth keeps you from getting complacent and ensures that you’re always moving towards greater success.

There’s Enough Success to Go Around

There can be a sense of competition among entrepreneurs, especially in the mortgage industry. And while some competition can be a healthy motivator, when it becomes a driving force, it can sabotage you. You don’t want your energy to be always focused on what other professionals are doing, feeling like every client they get is one that you miss out on, thinking that their success is taking away from your own. The best entrepreneurs know there is enough success to go around. Instead of looking at other professionals as competitors, they might look to them as inspiration or as motivation to work harder. The real competition they feel is with themselves. They know that success is abundant, so they’re focused on beating their own personal best. This means that instead of focusing on the success of their competition, successful mortgage entrepreneurs study their competition for tips or tools they can use in their own business, but they don’t copy the competition. Instead they concentrate on building an authentic business that is true to them.

Failure is an opportunity

The best entrepreneurs aren’t the ones that never experience failure, they’re the ones that know how to use it to their advantage. When you view failure only as a negative thing, as a setback or roadblock, you’re not likely to try out new ideas and step outside of your comfort zone. Of course, no one wants to fail. And experiencing this on a regular basis might be a red flag. But occasional failure usually isn’t something to worry about, especially if you know how to find value in it. When you see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, you’ll eliminate some of the fear around trying new things, and you’ll ensure that when you do fail, it’s not really “failure,” but instead an opportunity that you’ll still gain something of value and take one more step toward your ultimate success.

The way we think matters, in all aspects of our lives, including our professional lives. These are just three of many powerful mindsets that successful entrepreneurs can adopt to amplify their success. I’d love to hear from you — are there any other mindsets that have helped you get to where you are today? Please share them with us.

Kirk Brewer

Branch Manager | The Loan Geek | NMLS #150287